Schaduf install hydroponic units for 500 families in Helwan


Source: Al Mal newspaper

Publication date: 3-12-2017

12,000 pounds, the unit cost borne by the company, Jihad Salem, Sherine Helal, a marketing specialist at Schaduf, said that the latter contracted with 500 low-income families in Helwan to install hydroponic units on the roofs of their homes to implement soilless agriculture, provided that they provide families with With the necessary information and training, and from 12 thousand pounds, the unit cost is borne by the company

Sherine Helal, a marketing specialist at Schaduf, said that the latter contracted with 500 low-income families in Helwan to install hydroponic units on the roofs of their homes to implement soilless farming, provided that they provide the families with the necessary information and training, and then the company purchases the crops. .

She pointed out that the unit cost amounts to 12,000 pounds, and is fully borne by the company, and the hydroponic units are water-saving, so the water is changed once a month, in addition to providing more production and a lower cost than traditional crops, as well as using less pesticides.

Sherine Helal pointed out that hydroponics is suitable for leafy crops such as watercress, spinach, and others, and that it does not require large areas due to the design in the form of a tiered structure.

Schaduf was founded in 2011, with the goal of providing green solutions to enable low-income people to grow rooftop, whether to produce crops for personal consumption or farming for profit.

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