Ezbet El-Nasr 1

Location: Ezbet El Nasr

Partner: GIZ

Number of beneficiaries: 60

Ezbet El-Nasr 1

Project details

Schaduf implemented the “Ezbet El-Nasr 1” project in partnership with the German Development Agency, as this was the first project of its kind in Cairo and Egypt in general. The project aimed to provide 15 families with rooftop cultivation equipment, with the aim of generating additional income through the cultivation of leafy crops. 20 farmers, 3 engineers and 2 supervisors were trained in this project.

Project results

The project succeeded in forming a network of beneficiaries estimated at 10 families, or about 40 individuals, who were provided with 10 roof farms with 100 planted units. In a total area of 150 m2. The total production of the project amounted to 4950 cups.